This extravagant castle of Connecticut brownstone and Amherst stone from Ohio was built for Potter Palmer, owner of Chicago's famous Palmer House Hotel. The architects were Henry Ives Cobb (formerly of Peabody and Stearns) and Charles S. Frost. The exterior was completed in 1883, but work on the lavish interiors continued for another two years. Some of the larger rooms were done by Herter Brothers of New York City. A multitude of exotic woods were utilized throughout the castle to help make a strong artistic and social statement as to the ways and means of its owner. The castle also had one of Chicago's earliest domestic elevators. The basic footprint of the building covered an area of approximately 80' x 56'. Mr. Palmers's castle stood at Lake Shore Drive and Banks St. until it was torn down in 1950.

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Picture and information courtesy of Phil Bilzor.