On 6-21-08, I received E-Mail that said:

There is a huge Castleā€¦ being built brick by brick.. On Keys Road near Turlock, Ca. He has 60,000 bricks into it and 15 years of labor.

On 9-25-08, I received e-mail that said:

I believe that the castle mentioned in this post is this one. The location and description fit.

Kasteel Noz


On 10-15-08, I received E-Mail that said:

Here is a some information on Kasteel Noz. http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20080907/news_1n7castle.html

On 4-14-09, I received e-mail that said:

Kasteel Noz now has a website going up with photos at http://castlenoz.com

{{Castlefinder note!}}
Does anyone have more information about this?

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