Norumbega Castle was built in 1886 by Joseph Stearns who was the inventor of the duplex telegraphy system. In order to to get design ideas for the castle, he spent a year visiting many of the castles of Europe. He then took favorite features of each castle and incorporated them into the design for Norumbega. Stearns and his family lived in Norumbega until his death on July 4, 1895.

Over the years, Norumbega has had several owners, among them former State Department official Hodding Carter III. In 1987, Mark Boland converted the castle into a bed and breakfast which today is owned by Murray Keatinge.

for more information contact:

Norumbega Inn
61 High Street
Camden, ME 04843
Phone:(207) 236-4646
Fax: (207) 236-0824

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