I received E-Mail that said:

An office mate informs me that there is a castle house in Mt. Airy Md.

Later, I received E-Mail that said:

The castle in Mount Airy, Md is owned and lived in by who I think is the original owner. It is located on Prospect rd. Which is off of Main Street in Mt. Airy.

Later, I received E-Mail that said:

The castle in Mt. Airy Maryland is owned by Allen Brown, A local country singer. It is very pretty at Christmas time when they have colored lights in the pond shining up at the castle...beautiful!

Later, I received E-Mail that said:

The castle has two round stone towers, one with crenelations and the other with a steep conical roof as can be seen at the right side of the photo.

Later, I received E-Mail that said:

I was surprised and delighted to see the Mt. Airy Castle on your webpage! I was searching the internet for it because my great uncle is the owner. The castle pictured actually started as a small A-frame. Somewhere my family actually has pictures of the A-Frame before my uncle made it into a castle. There have been renovations in the last 5 years or so to the front of it.

If you look at the front of the picture where the balcony is on the round rock tower. I have second cousins that used to leap from that balcony and into the pond according to family legend.

Anyway, there have been multiple news specials on the castle as my uncle claims "It will never be finished." He's redone the kitchen and the family room in the building most recently to my knowledge. Within the castle he collects many antiques and the like. He also collects Mt. Airy paraphenalia. He has old signs all over the family room and an enormous fireplace in there as well. It really is a magical building. It's fairly well known to the area, although he doesn't give tours or anything in the castle.

Later, I received E-Mail that said:

My ex boyfriend actually rented an apartment that was located in one of the round stone towers. It was really cool! I believe there were other apartments made in the Castle to rent. I just drove by the other day and it is even more beautiful!

Later, I received E-Mail that said:

Just for your information, the castle you have listed as "unknown" in Mt. AIry MD is now for sale for 1.6 million!

Back to "Castles of the United States"

Photo courtsey of Jim Torrence.