I received E-Mail that said:

Lowery Castle in Middleville New York was built around 1926 . Its creator was Marklove Lowery, Utica Landscape Architect who insisted it wasn't a castle at all but merely a summer home. Perched on a cliff overlooking a series of waterfalls on the west Canada creek was the imposing three story castle built of local Trenton Limestone.With its stone ramparts, a tower with a winding stairway, a bell (imported from a Camden Maine sailing vessel),a slate roof (brought from Vermont),and heavy beams (salvaged from a 200 year old Sailsbury house).

Lowery with the help of three workmen, put some eight weeks on it, arousing so much curiosity that by the last week he found himself paying a special policeman on Sundays just to handle the crowds of about 500. He findaly grew disgusted and left the castle unfinished and moved to a modest cottage nearby to escape the people who were invading his privacy. My uncle became friends with the markloves and even attended dinner with them once sometime ago.

Needless to say the castle sat there unfinished and abandoned until it eventually collapsed. I can remember when I was a kid looking in awe at the still impressive castle being ravaged by time. The main tower still stands, though no longer visible from the road. The walls which were the original living area and the fireplace are crumbling down.

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Information and photo sent in by Russell Roberts.