I received E-Mail that said:

There is a private residence in Rocky Hill, Connecticut that was recently constructed out of stone. It was built to look like a castle.

Later, I received E-Mail that said in part:

I happen to live on the same road as this home. I took a walk down there with my digital camera and took a few shots. If you want better ones, I can go down there with the regular camera next week.

The house is on the market right now. The house is not finished, at least not on the outside. It is a cool looking house! They have been building it for years, I couldn't help but wonder if the builder ran out of money before he finished.

The pictures don't do it a lot of justice, it was late in the day when the sun was low. I hope this helps.

Does anyone have any more information about it?

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A special thanks to Jenney Rivard for sending the photo.